Cineva a trimis urmatorul anunt pe o lista de discutii pentru orbi din care rezulta ca Universitatea Wisconsin recruteaza participanti la un studiu si ca plateste cu 15 dolari pe ora pentru asta. Altcineva a trimis un mesaj si a spus ca s-a interesat si ca participantii pot sa fie si din Europa.
Deci, daca stiti suficient de bine engleza, aveti ceva timp liber si vreti sa castigati niste bani, poate ca va intereseaza anuntul de mai jos:
Dear group members,
Trace R&D Center at University of Wisconsin-Madison is recruiting research participants for an interview study. Please find the flyers below. Please feel free to forward the flyer to those who might be interested in participation.
Research Participants Wanted
Trace Research and Development Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Trace Center is a research and development center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We are looking for research participants who have experience selecting computer access products (e.g., screen readers, alternative keyboards/mouses, writing aids software, etc.) without consulting professionals. Participants will take part in an interview study to help us understand how people with disabilities select assistive technologies for computer access. Our goal is to design a support tool to help individuals with disabilities (or their family, friends, caregivers, etc.) select access technologies that best fit their needs and preferences.
We are particularly looking for:
- individuals with disabilities who selected computer access products for themselves; OR
- parents, friends, family, or caregivers who selected computer access products for persons with disabilities;
You will be asked to participate in a one-to-one interview that will take place on the phone or in person if needed. You will be compensated at a rate of $15.00/hour plus transportation costs incurred traveling to and from the study location (bus fare, car mileage at 33 cents per mile, or local taxi service). Travel time is included in the hourly rate.
If you are interested in participating, please contact:
Trace Center
Phone: 608-263-2124
Studiu pentru orbi, platit
Moderator: Manu