Acesta este Forumul Pontes, loc in care puteti discuta orice despre persoanele cu dizabilitati, in special despre si cu nevazatori. Puteti afla sau oferi informatii despre locuri de munca, viata sociala, IT (informatica), jocuri audio, ganduri, idei etc.
La fel ca pentru JAWS, cred ca e bine sa fie si pentru Talks o rubrica unde sa putem posta tot felul de informatii tehnice, de utilizare etc..
Multi dintre noi folosim programul YBrowser, un fel de File Manager mai avansat, foarte util pentru optiunea Open with / Deschidere cu, aplicabila per fisier in parte. Astfel putem deschide un play list cu Core Player, nu cu Music player cum stie el implicit.
Problema la YBrowser este ca in momentul cand suntem pe un fisier dintr-un folder mai adanc, de exemplu pe E:\Documents\Carti\PieseDeTeatru.m3u, textul care apare ca subtitlu este prea lung si trebuie sa se deruleze pentru a putea fi citit in mod normal. Talks are impresia ca se tot schimba ceva acolo, ca apar texte noi si atunci incepe sa citeasca aiurea.
Solutia este schimbarea statutului acelui subtitlu, proces efectuabil cu unealta Object Viewer.
Pe scurt:
Se deschide YBrowser si se merge intr-un folder unde Talks incepe sa citeasca aiurea, poticnit, sacadat.
Se deschide unealta Object Viewer apasand tasta Talks urmata de Select lung. In momentul cand Object Viewer apare, citirea aceea sacadata inceteaza.
Se cauta cu sagetile itemul "Subtitle, acesta este urmat de calea catre fisierul pe care ne aflam. Deci acea informatie este considerata ca fiind subtitlu al ferestrei.
Dupa ce se selecteaza "Subtitle", se cauta "Role".
La "Role" se modifica pe "Ignore" sau "Status". Daca se pune pe "Ignore" nu va mai fi citit deloc, daca se pune pe "Status", oricand poate fi citita calea cu Talks urmat de Key2 lung, adica combinatia standard pentru aflarea statusului.
Cu Object Viewer se pot face destul de multe lucruri, practic se pot vedea toate amanuntele de pe ecran, cele care nu sunt text citibil, se pot denumi, schimba ca valoare etc.
Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum...
In forum linguae Latinae venite! (via est:
Celor interesati de programe utile care merg cu Talks sau alte screen-readere pe Symbian, le recomand site-ul
Mergeti la pagina Third Edition Software pentru programe diverse, sunt headinguri inainte de fiecare, sau la pagina Text Games pentru jocuri text care merg pe mobil.
Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum...
In forum linguae Latinae venite! (via est:
Ma bucur ca ai deschis acest topic, era chiar necesar avand in vedere ca exista din ce in ce mai multi utilizatori de talks. Si eu folosesc frecvent Y-browser si era stresant sa tot aud talks-ul citind fara ros .
Multumim pentru indicatiile date ,datorita lor problema s-a rezolvat.
Am intrat pe site-ul recomandat de tine mai sus dar, sincer, nu m-am descurcat. Te rog, atunci cand vei avea putin timp, sa ne faci o scurta descriere a jocurilor si a programelor existente.
Nu prea am stat nici eu sa vad ce programe sunt acolo.
Nu cred ca nu te-ai descurcat, erau headinguri pentru fiecare program... Probabil ca nu ai stiut ce sa alegi... nici eu nu stiu, am spus doar ca e o lista cu programe despre care vorbesc ei mai amanuntit. Sunt de toate felurile, de la Dictafon pentru engleza sau italiana, pana la YBrowser. Cand incerc eu vreunul, o sa scriu. Pana atunci, poate mai scriu si altii ce au mai folosit si pare a fi util.
Ar trebui sa copiem aici cu citat si mesajul despre MP3 Playerele pe care le-a prezentat Gruia.
Eu voi continua sa mai postez aici ce mai aud de pe la altii, chestia cu YBrowser am aflat-o de la cineva de pe lista dedicata utilizatorilor Loadstone GPS.
Eu nici nu am putut testa, inca am Talks 3.6, va trebui sa upgradez si eu la 5. Am postat aici in urma testarii de catre Gruia.
Daca tot este un topic in care sa se mai stranga informatiile despre mobil si screen-reader, a nu se uita articolul pentru rezolvarea diacriticelor cu Talks, in caz ca cineva nu stie inca cum se rezolva si unde sa gaseasca, dar ajunge din intamplare prin zona: Talks si citirea diacriticelor - instructiuni
Ultima oară modificat 04 Apr 2010, 21:28 de către Manu, modificat de 2 ori în total.
Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum...
In forum linguae Latinae venite! (via est:
Asadar, mai jos este un mesaj despre playerele pentru Symbian accesibile intr-o oarecare masura cu Talks.
GruiaVelicu scrie:Acuma as vrea sa va aduc in atentie cateva playere exclusiv de mobil pe care le-am testat personal. Fiecare dintre ele are avantaje si dezavantaje.
Cel mai important, dupa parerea mea, este CorePlayer. Acesta are insa si un dezavantaj major si anume meniul open file nu e accesibil cu Talks. Asadar il putem folosi doar in combinatie cu explorerul YBrouser care are obtiunea Open with. Cu acest player putem deschide aproape orice fisier video si audio. Este ideal pentru a asculta diferite chestii de pe net, cum ar fi piese de teatru din fonoteca sau radiouri online. Deasemenea mai are o functie interesanta prin care putem mari sau micsora viteza de redare.
Un al doilea player demn de luat in seama ar fi PowerMP3. Acesta are cel putin trei obtiuni interesante si de mare folos. Prima ar fi faptul ca ne permite sa facem play direct la un folder intreg, a doua ar fi faptul ca avem un Jump to file ca in Winamp - deci putem incarca multa muzica si cauta ce melodie vrem - si o a treia optiune care ne permite sa dam o functie dorita butonului handsfree. Mai are o obtiune interesanta in meniu My music unde putem alege sa cante toata muzica, un anumit album, un anumit artist, bineinteles daca are in taguri sccris ceea ce trebuie.
Un al treilea player ar fi AloneMP3. Si acesta are obtiunea de Play director, nu poti cauta melodia, dar se pot seta Hot keys pentru o serie de operatii. Un prim avantaj al acestuia ar fi ca putem inregistra la o calitate superioara in diferite formate: WAV, MP3 si AMR la diferite comprimari. Un alt avantaj major ar fi ca se pot pune marcaje pe fisier; obtiunea aceasta e foarte utila in cazul cartilor audio deoarece printr-o simpla apasare de tasta am pus un marcaj pe care il vom gasi in bookmarks acest lucru scutindu-ne de neplacerea de a derula.
Cu regretul ca nu putem gasi toate obtiunile de mai sus intr-un singur player, sper ca informatile prezentate sa va fie de folos.
Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum...
In forum linguae Latinae venite! (via est:
As vrea sa intreb cum se schimba la talks limba. As vrea sa pot citi carti cu limba franceza si engleza, iar in momentul asta am talks-ul in italiana. Se poate schimba ca la JAWS, sau trebuie sa mai instalez ceva?
Trebuie instalat cate un fisier pentru fiecare limba in parte.
Gasesti toate limbile disponibile la link-ul urmator. Acolo trebuie sa alegi arhiva pentru ETI-Eloquence daca vrei Eloquence, mai este si RealSpeak pentru cateva limbi. Kit-uri Talks pentru Symbian 3rd Edition
Dupa ce se dezarhiveaza fisierele, se instaleaza pe telefon doar fisierul SIS care are in denumire Eloquence, ITA, FRA, EN-US si asa mai departe, depinde pentru ce limba ai luat.
Dupa ce ai instalat mai multe limbi, pentru a le schimba dupa necesitati, mergi in Talks, cel mai simplu cu tasta Talks plus Asterisc, acolo dai sageata dreapta la al doilea tab. Aici prima optiune este Spech.
Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum...
In forum linguae Latinae venite! (via est:
Am citit in Articolul Z-Machine din Wikipedia ca Z5 este una dintre extensiile pentru jocurile text de aventura care au inceput sa fie create pe la sfarsitul anilor '70. Practic este nevoie de interpretorul pentru fisierele cu extensia Z5, interpretor care se numeste Infocom Z-Machine.
Sigur au facut unii interpretoare pentru Symbian, avand in vedere ca se mai gasesc pasionati de Z-Machine Games.
Am dat si eu o cautare si am gasit pentru S60 unul numit ZaxMidlet creat de William Johnson, dar... cine stie ce si cum e cu el.
Trebuie scormonit mai adanc pe internet si... sigur sunt informatii complete, insa nu stiu cat ar merge un astfel de interpretor cu Talks, trebuie verificat.
Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum...
In forum linguae Latinae venite! (via est:
Da, a aparut, iata si release notes, pentru cei interesati:
Nuance TALKS&ZOOMS Version 5.20
Release Notification
1. Introduction
We proudly announce the release of the Nuance Accessibility Suite – Nuance TALKS and ZOOMS – Version 5.20 supporting Series 60 3rd Edition / 5th Edition for February 17, 2011.
This version also introduces support for Symbian^3 in Nuance TALKS. Screen magnification using ZOOMS is not yet supported on Symbian^3 in this release.
For Users with a Premium license this version also contains the new Daisy2go 2.01 minor update.
This release uses the same versions of Eloquence and Vocalizer as the previous one (6.1.123 and 5.22, respectively). The TTS installation file for Eloquence US English has been updated to extend the user dictionary.
Version 5.20 is a free upgrade for all Premium Edition licenses generated after November 13th, 2007 (the release date of TALKS 3.50 for 3rd Edition). In particular, this means that it can be installed by any customer who is currently able to run version 4.11 or 5.01 without requiring a new license.
2. The new handsets
2.1. Changes to the list of supported phone models
The following handsets are newly supported (please see section 4 “Known Issues” about some limitations):
Nokia C6-00
Nokia C7-00
Nokia E5-00
Nokia N8-00
We also assume the following phones to work without major problems. However we have not got enough test results yet to definitely confirm this:
Nokia C5-03
Nokia C6-01
Nokia E7-00
See section 6 for a full list of compatible handsets for this version.
3. What’s New?
This section lists the improvements of TALKS&ZOOMS 5.20 compared to the previous version (5.01).
3.1. Support for Symbian^3
Nuance TALKS 5.20 is the first screen reader that supports the new Symbian^3 platform that is used by Nokia in some of its most recent smartphone models, such as the N8-00 and the C7-00. Support for the just-released E7-00 is likely, but has not yet been confirmed.
Overall, access to Symbian^3 works in a very similar manner to the approach used for 5th Edition touch screen phones, by relying on a combination of list navigation using the side keys of the phone together with the ability to “explore” the screen. As reminder, “exploring” can be started by holding the finger on one position for about half a second, and then moving around. Lifting and tapping again anywhere on the screen will click on the most recently “explored” position.
As usual, some features, such as side key navigation, are only available once the phone has been powered off and back on after installing or re-enabling TALKS.
As a special feature for Symbian^3 phones which do not include physical [Call] and [Exit] keys, such as the N8-00, two new TALKS shortcuts have been introduced to still be able to perform these important functions quickly:
[Talks],[Power] simulates the [Call] key, e.g. to accept an incoming call or to open the list of most recently dialled calls.
[Talks],[long Power] simulates the [Exit] key, to hang up or reject a call. Note that the call is only hung up after the [Power] key is released, unlike with most other “long” TALKS commands.
A few remarks on specific areas with limited accessibility on Symbian^3 phones:
· Symbian^3: screen magnification using ZOOMS and Automation are not yet supported.
· Some Symbian^3-specific gestures, such as pinch-to-zoom and long-tapping a menu item to open its context menu are not available while TALKS is running. Anyway, in the case of context menus it is generally possible to access the same functions by navigating to the menu item using the side keys, and then opening the Options menu.
· It is not yet possible for TALKS to speak while a phone call is in progress. Speech is however available when an incoming call is ringing, and the ringtone has been muted by pressing [Key 2]. Please note that TALKS does not yet announce the number or name of the caller in this case. It is therefore recommended to use the “Say caller’s name” option in the current profile to get this information instead.
· The new Conversations view in Messaging, which lists all the incoming and outgoing messages for a particular contact, is not fully supported in this version. This view also opens by default when reacting to an incoming message from the pop-up dialog in the home screen, so it is recommended to go to the Options menu in the Messaging application, and to change the Message View setting from Conversations to Inbox. The Conversation view uses an embedded browser, so it can be made partially accessible using the new feature described in section 3.3 (see below).
· Selecting a bookmark in the web browser is only possible by exploring the screen and tapping onto the list item, not by pressing [long Vol Down] on the list item.
3.2. Support for Ovi Maps
This version of TALKS introduces support for the Ovi Maps 3 application that is either built-in or available as a download for most devices from Series 60 3rd Edition FP1 onwards. Initial support has been optimized for Ovi Maps 3.03 and 3.04 on keyboard-phones, though earlier and later versions (as found, for example on Symbian^3) can be used successfully as well.
Generally, important information and focus details are read as usual on most screens. A few specific details are worth mentioning:
On the “My Position” screen, TALKS reads the address of the current position by default. Pressing [Talks],[long Key 2] for additional information also reads the city/region.
While following a route on the “Drive” and “Walk” screens, TALKS will read the street and distance to the next turn by default, and give additional information (e.g. current position, distance to destination etc.) when pressing [Talks],[long Key 2].
While following a route in “driving” mode, it is possible to preview the next turns by pressing [Up] several times. This will read the street names and distances to travel for each of the turns. This feature is not available in “walking” mode.
While following a route, the standard keyboard commands of Ovi Maps are available, such as [4] to repeat reading of the last instruction and [2] to save the current position as a favourite.
Additional services, such as “Weather”, “Events” or “More” in the main menu are not yet accessible.
The contents of the “About” screen (under Options > Support) are currently not read.
Please note that on touch phones, some default read-outs may not be optimal, but all information is still accessible by “exploring” the screen.
3.3. Access to embedded browser views (e.g. Help screens)
An increasing number of applications are using an embedded version of web browser to display content that does not directly come from a web page. Examples are the display of Help pages in many applications on 3rd Edition FP2 and later phones, contents of e-mail messages in HTML format and the Conversations view on Symbian^3 phones.
On touch phones, these screens can be recognized by the fact that the virtual keyboard for the browser is displayed, but that navigating the page beyond the page title is not possible. Also, the announcement of the number of links (or “Page has no links”) is missing.
Version 5.20 offers a method to make the textual content (though not the links) in some of these pages accessible upon request: when such a page is shown on the screen, simply press [Talks],[Down] to read the page contents. If necessary, this will first try to convert the page text into a readable format, and then start reading it.
In some cases, it may be necessary to press the key a second time to commence reading. Also, this method does yet work in all applications.
3.4. Various changes
This section lists further changes to TALKS that were made in this update:
Application support:
Focus in Nokia Internet Radio is now recognized.
Lists in N97 web radio are now read.
Made several improvements to accessibility of Java apps (e.g. automatic reading of non-editable text fields and of some types of input controls).
New e-mail application on C6-00 is now supported.
Reduced verbosity of Calendar app on newer phones (e.g. E52), and improved reliability of focus reading in some views.
Touch screen improvements:
When exploring, objects that consist of nothing but an unlabeled graphic are spoken as "Icon".
Icon for closing full screen in lower right corner of touch browser is now read (as a soft key).
Holding [Camera] key while exploring screen forces explore mode, and prevents accidental clicking.
[Talks],[long Vol Down] to switch between navigation and volume control now takes effect immediately, and works in applications where it failed previously, such as Daisy2go.
Fixed incorrect cycling on [long Vol Up] from softkeys back to focus on screens with Text object (e.g. Notes or New Message).
Daisy2go improvements:
Fixed some cases where a few seconds were cut off at the end of an audio file.
Changed tab width in Settings so all three tabs are accessible by touch.
Bug fixes:
Fixed out-of-memory messages after opening and closing a large number of applications or messages.
Fixed reading of Symbol table with new E52/E72 firmware 051.x.
Fixed text entry in browser on phones with new web browser 7.2, and on N97mini.
Added missing punctuation reading for some common Unicode dash characters, and introduced short pauses when reading forced line breaks.
Fixed some cases where order of punctuation and right-to-left text is incorrect, or where right-to-left text was read in the wrong order.
Fixed problems with finding user dictionaries and app settings on drive F, especially after moving TALKS installation to a different drive.
4. Known Issues with specific handsets and apps
· Touch phones: currently, there are some limitations to the use of the on-screen keyboard for text entry. In particular, the menus for switching to other keyboard layouts and for picking suggestions from the T9 dictionary are not fully accessible. Switching to other keyboard layouts is not recommended, as some of them (e.g. mini-Qwerty or handwriting) are not yet supported by TALKS, and can be difficult to exit.
· Touch phones: the symbol table in the virtual keyboard is currently not accessible. On 5th Edition phones only (but not on Symbian^3) opening the symbol table in the on-screen keyboard can lead to the keyboard stopping to take input until you press [Exit] to go to the main menu, and then return to the application where you were entering text.
· Touch phones: text entry into an object announced as “Fields” (e.g. a date or a time) is not supported well by this version of TALKS, as the virtual keyboard cannot be used with speech. This limits the use of the Calendar and Clock applications that rely on these types of objects for date and time input.
· On some phones, holding the [Camera] key does not launch the Camera application while this version of TALKS is active. The camera can still be opened through the phone’s menu, or assigned to a softkey on the home screen.
· Internet radio on 3rd Edition phones: long list items start scrolling horizontally when they become focused, so TALKS will repeat their contents partially a few times until they stop moving. Also, some details on the “Now playing” screen are not read by default, though they are available through the Object Viewer (a feature only available in TALKS Premium).
· N97: training mode will read the digits, rather than the letters, for the keys in the top row of the QWERTY keyboard.
· Some keyboard functions, such as [Talks],[digit] shortcuts on the Idle screen and the use of the side keys to navigate through menus on 5th Edition, are only supported after the phone has been rebooted once after installing or re-enabling TALKS.
· E55: [Talks],[digit] shortcuts have been reported to not work properly on this phone, most likely as a result of the unusual keyboard layout.
· 3rd Edition (FP1 and FP2): the “Search” application is not supported.
· 3rd Edition FP2: You will notice a slow response of voice recognition "beep" after holding [Key 2] when TALKS is not muted
· E75: When using ZOOMS, moving around the screen by holding down the cursor keys is currently not possible. The magnified portion of the screen always follows the current focus position.
· N96: “Photos” application (and “Photos” submenu of “Gallery”) is not supported.
· N96: Daisy2Go does not support firmware versions prior to 20.x of this phone.
5. FAQ
Q: Your software does not install on my E-Series handset or branded device, and reports a Certificate Error! Why?
A: While TALKS&ZOOMS for Symbian itself is certified, and thus can be installed on any supported handset, the installers for the TTS engines (Eloquence or Vocalizer for Mobile) are not signed. E-Series handsets and some branded devices only accept the installation of signed software, unless you turn of the corresponding option inside the Application Manager:
· Open the phone menu.
· Open the App. Manager inside the Tools folder
· Press “Options”, then select “Settings”.
· Set “Software Installation” from “Signed only” to “All”.
· Press “Back” to close the Settings dialogue, then “Exit” to close the App. Manager.
· Now, you can install the TTS engine.
Another reason could be that the date on your phone is not set correctly – as Symbian apps need to be digitally signed, SIS files can only be installed if the phone is set to a valid date.
Q: Can I install the new release of TALKS&ZOOMS, while a previous release is active?
A: Yes, if the new version is installed to the same memory location as the previous release. If you would like to change the memory location, you have to remove the previous release first!
Q: Why do I get an “Upgrade error” when installing the S60 3rd/5th Edition version?
A: The most likely reasons are that you have used a beta release, or already have the Nokia TTS driver available that was installed as a separate file with version 3.10. Please remove any beta version, as well as the Nokia TTS driver or the Nuance Speech2Go Reader application, before upgrading to TALKS 5.20.
Q: Why do I get an “Invalid serial number” error when trying to activate a demo version of TALKS, even though I have entered the code correctly and never used TALKS on this phone before?
A: The most likely reason is that TALKS thinks the demo has already “expired” because the date on the phone is set incorrectly, usually to some date in the future.
6. Full compatibility list
6.1. Current models
This section lists compatible handsets running on Series 60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2, Series 60 5th Edition and Symbian^3, many of which are available at least in some markets:
Keyboard phones:
Nokia 5320 XpressMusic
Nokia 5630 XpressMusic
Nokia 6700 slide (but not 6700 classic!) Nokia 6210 Navigator Nokia 6220 Classic Nokia 6650 fold Nokia 6710 Navigator Nokia 6720 classic Nokia 6730 classic Nokia 6790 Surge / slide Nokia C5-00 Nokia E5-00 Nokia E52 Nokia E66 Nokia E71 Nokia E71x Nokia E72 Nokia E73 Nokia E75 Nokia N78 Nokia N79 Nokia N85 Nokia N86 Nokia N96 Touch screen phones:
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
Nokia C6-00
Nokia C7-00
Nokia N8-00
Nokia N97
Nokia N97mini
Nokia X6
Untested, but expected to work:
Nokia 5228 Xpress Music
Nokia 5230 Xpress Music
Nokia 5235 Xpress Music
Nokia 5530 Xpress Music
Nokia 5730 Xpress Music
Nokia C5-03
Nokia C6-01
Nokia E7-00
Nokia X5-01
6.2. Earlier models (3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 and older)
This section lists handsets running earlier versions of Series 60 3rd Edition which can still be upgraded to run TALKS 5.00. However, they are typically no longer available in most regions except as second-hand and refurbished devices.