Anuntarea aniversarilor pe forum

Sugestii, informatii de adaugat pe site si propuneri de categorii pentru forum

Moderator: Manu

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Andreea Neagu
Mesaje: 1511
Membru din: 16 Ian 2007, 23:15
Localitate: Bucuresti

Anuntarea aniversarilor pe forum

Mesaj de Andreea Neagu »

M-am gandit ca ar fi frumos ca membrii Pontes sa-si cunoasca unul altuia ziua de nastere. Pentru asta am modificat forumul astfel incat sa afiseze ce utilizatori isi sarbatoresc ziua de nastere in data curenta si ce a cui zi de nastere va fi in urmatoarea saptamana.
Am rugamintea ca toti cei care doresc sa le fie anuntata aniversarea sa-si completeze campul "Data nasterii" din Profil.
In acest moment, modificarile sunt active pentru forumul in limba romana si engleza. Pentru italiana am nevoie de traducerea urmatoarelor cuvinte (se traduce doar ce este dupa egal):

Cod: Selectaţi tot

// Start add - Birthday MOD
$lang['Birthday'] = 'Birthday';
$lang['No_birthday_specify'] = 'None Specified';
$lang['Age'] = 'Age';
$lang['Wrong_birthday_format'] = 'The birthday format was entered incorrectly.'; 
$lang['Birthday_to_high'] = 'Sorry, this site, does not accept user older than %d years old';
$lang['Birthday_require'] = 'your Birthday is required on this site';
$lang['Birthday_to_low'] = 'Sorry, this site, does not accept user yonger than %d years old';
$lang['Submit_date_format'] = 'd-m-Y'; //php date() format - Note: ONLY d, m and Y may be used and SHALL ALL be used (different seperators are accepted)
$lang['Birthday_greeting_today'] = 'We would like to wish you congratulatons on reaching %s years old today.<br /><br /> The Management';//%s is substituted with the users age
$lang['Birthday_greeting_prev'] = 'We would like to give you a belated congratulatons for becoming %s years old on the %s.<br /><br /> The Management';//%s is substituted with the users age, and birthday
$lang['Greeting_Messaging'] = 'Congratulations';
$lang['Birthday_today'] = 'Users with a birthday today:';
$lang['Birthday_week'] = 'Users with a birthday within the next %d days:';
$lang['Nobirthday_week'] = 'No users are having a birthday in the upcoming %d days'; // %d is substitude with the number of days
$lang['Nobirthday_today'] = 'No users have a birthday today';
$lang['Year'] = 'Year';
$lang['Month'] = 'Month';
$lang['Day'] = 'Day';
Numai bine,
Andreea Neagu
Mesaje: 1511
Membru din: 16 Ian 2007, 23:15
Localitate: Bucuresti

Mesaj de Andreea Neagu »

Nu mai e nevoie de traducere, am gasit fisierele de limba de care aveam nevoie. Scriptul pentru aniversari este acum activ si pe versiunea in italiana a forumului.

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