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International youth exchange in Bulgaria

In September 21 - 29, 2013, an international youth exchange took place in Vratsa, Bulgaria. A group of young visually impaired persons took part in labour market trends workshops, ice-breaking games and excursions to historic and cultural monuments of the region.
The project itself was implemented by Center for Support of Social Integration „Priorities” in Bulgaria within Youth in Action Program. Among partners and participants besides hosting country were delegations from Russia, Romania and Moldova.
The basic goal of the project was socialization of young visually impaired people from different countries, as well as exchange of knowledge in the field of new assistive technologies and effective tools of searching a job.
"For us it was of vital importance to find out what are the most acute problems in the process of employment that visually impaired people face, as well as to see if these problems are the same or different. - declared Ivan Karastoianov, PR Manager of „Priorities” organization - That’s why we scheduled our agenda flexibly, so that all participants could have a splendid opportunity to admire beautiful historic places and cultural monuments of Vratsa region. Of course, we had a range of thematical workshops where we simulated a job interview, identified opportunities which a visually impaired person might have using assistive technologies and played ice-breaking games to facilitate the socialization process."
Pontes send a group of 12 young people to take part to this youth exchange.

Published by: Emanuel Boboiu (secretar Pontes) in 01.11.2013 Views: 3609 in section: News



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