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Going Out to Have Pizza – Saint Nicholas’s Gift

For those children who have behaved well, Saint Nicholas came a little earlier this year and, to their surprise, took them out, to have pizza at the restaurant. The lucky ones were twenty four students of the High School for the Visually Impaired in Cluj, who, accompanied by the Pontes volunteers, went to have pizza out, some of them for the first time in their life.
The idea started a short while ago, when a student asked in class: "teacher, how does a real pizza look like?"... This student, and many others among his colleagues, had never had the chance to go to a pizza place, so, we decided that going out to pizza would be a great gift to them, on Saint Nicholas’s day.
Two restaurants in Cluj, Marty and New Croco, answered in a very positive way to the request from Pontes and gave us the possibility to go and enjoy delicious pizza, offered as a gift, by the restaurants themselves. Marty hosted twelve secondary school students, accompanied by two dedicated Pontes members, Emese Maniu and Ioan Campean, while New Croco opened its doors to other twelve students, in the primary school, who came together with seven volunteers and with Mirabela Mischie, the Pontes member who knocked to many doors, in order to see this surprise come true.
The children were very excited about this surprise and had a great time in the company of our friendly members and volunteers.
Thank you very much, Marty and New Croco, for this special gift! Thank you very much to all of you, our members and volunteers, who got involved in this ‚surprise’ with so much enthusiasm and dedication.

Activity organisers: Mirabela Mischie and Elis Pintilie

Writen by Elis Pintilie

Published by: Emanuel Boboiu (secretar Pontes) in 05.12.2009 Views: 3176 in section: News



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