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ECDL for visually impaired

On Saturday, the fifth of April, there was organized the first meeting for the ECDL course, for the visually impaired, by Holding Brinel in cooperation with Pontes.The courses will take place every Thursday and Saturday, in the computers lab of High School for Visually Impaired in Cluj. ECDL, (the European Computer Driving License) is a basic qualification standard document internationally acknowledged, that proves the ability to efficiently work on a computer. Produced by the international European council for Proficiency in Informatics, ECDL is used and acknowledged successfully in over 140 countries. The license obtained in Romania is fully acknowledged in any other country.
The Miniera center for Informatics in Cluj-Napoca, part of Holding Brinel, regional center for instruction and tests, acknowledged by ECDL Romania, organizes in cooperation with Pontes, ECDL courses for 13 persons with visual disabilities. The Course implies the following modules:

  1. Using the computer and organizing the files.
  2. Word text editor.
  3. Communication and information.
  4. Table calculus (excel)
  5. General concepts of information technology.
  6. Database (access)
  7. Powerpoint presentations

By means of sponsorship, our organization wishes to pay half of the sum, while the other 50% will be paid by every participant.

News translated by Teofil Pintilie

Published by: Emanuel Boboiu (secretar Pontes) in 20.04.2008 Views: 3809 in section: News



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