General Statistics

Since 25 March 2011, Pontes Backgammon was launched 5521 times.

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These statistics count all the games played since 25 March 2011:

Number of played games: 566452.
- 208473 games online,
- 2538 games in the same room,
- 355441 games with computer.

Winners by colors (excepting games with computer):
- white: 113151, meaning 53.62%,
- black: 97860, meaning 46.38%.

Winners in games with computer:
- human: 319937, meaning 90.01%,
- computer: 35504, meaning 9.99%.

Winnings type in online games:
- normal winnings: 179034, meaning 85.88%,
- gammon winnings: 26072, meaning 12.51%,
- backgammon winnings: 3367, meaning 1.61%.

Winnings type in games with computer:
- normal winnings: 147260, meaning 41.43%,
- gammon winnings: 141056, meaning 39.68%,
- backgammon winnings: 67125, meaning 18.89%.

Total duration of all online games: 1451 days, 4 hours, 46 minutes and 9 seconds.
- white: 49.56%,
- black: 50.44%.
- Average game duration: 10 minutes and 1 seconds.

Total duration of all games with computer: 2248 days, 9 hours, 50 minutes and 21 seconds.
- Average game duration: 9 minutes and 6 seconds.

Individual Statistics

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