Organisations for the blind, unite. Research proposals.
Scris: 06 Ian 2008, 15:10
I red alot of articles about the new posibilities for improving the site. The optic nerve can be regenerated but the retina can not be transplanted yet even if a lot of progress has been made in this domain. There are not a lot of researchers who are interested to make a change for the blind. The nanotechnologies combined with the progress that has been made in the medicine disciplines can make a change.
I would like, if it is possible that the blind associations from Europe and if it will be possible from the other parts of the world, to make a research request to.... someone... maybe together will figure it out... in wich we should request that more money should be invested in the eye research because alot of progress can be made from wich we all can benefit.
I would like first the pontes secretary to informe the members from the other countrys so that we can spred this news around and maybe soon we will be able to see some real progress in this field.
I would like, if it is possible that the blind associations from Europe and if it will be possible from the other parts of the world, to make a research request to.... someone... maybe together will figure it out... in wich we should request that more money should be invested in the eye research because alot of progress can be made from wich we all can benefit.
I would like first the pontes secretary to informe the members from the other countrys so that we can spred this news around and maybe soon we will be able to see some real progress in this field.