A hotarat Philip astfel pentru ca nu vrea sa se mai ocupe in mod constant de dezvoltarea BGT, si astfel poate incurajeaza lumea sa utilizeze mai mult unealta. Va face mici actualizari necesare din cand in cand.
Acum a aparut asadar versiunea 1.3 (revision 2), care are cateva noutati pe langa cea ca este free si nu mai trebuie introdusa vreo cheie.
Dupa link-ul de descarcare, pun si What's new in 1.3 (revision 2):
Descarcare bgt_english_installer.exe
Cine vrea, de acum poate sa faca un joculet fara probleme, fara sa arate sursa, beneficiind de toate avantajele, inclusiv utilizarea DLL-urilor.Version 1.3 (revision 2):
* Re-released the engine as freeware. All features that used to be exclusive to the paid versions of the engine are now available for free. Enjoy!
* Removed the "check for updates" feature. New releases will be announced on the Blastbay website as well as in the forum, which has an rss feed.
* Added the ability to specify a custom port number as part of an http request (sponsored by Valiant Galaxy Associates and Alter Aeon).
* Fixed a very serious problem in the audio subsystem that would cause random crashes and hangs.
* Set an upper bound of 10000 by 10000 for the size of a pathfinder map.
* Made the calendar object verify that the parameters given to the set method are in range, as wildly incorrect arguments could actually result in crashes.
* Fixed a crash that would occur in the tone synth due to incorrectly calculated sample offsets when calling rewind or rewind_ms (thanks Corey).
* The max_distance property in the sound_pool include class is now sound specific, which means that different sounds can have different max distances rather than just one global setting (thanks Aaron).
* Fixed a runtime error that would sometimes occur in the audio_form include class when using multiline input fields (thanks Aaron).
* Updated the language tutorial with some information about uninitialized variable usage (thanks Aaron).
* Fixed some ambiguities in the documentation for the call method of the library class.