A Topic about JAWS Editor for BGT, in Blastbay Forum
I started to create a small editor for BGT Scripts.
It is written in JAWS Scripting and now it works with Notepad, but it'spossible to make the installing package to change the scripts to be available also in others text editors.
At the end of this post there is the download link.
The ideea is that, for instance, if someone wants to insert a built-in function, press Control+i and a list of functions appear. If it's chosen show_game_window(), the editor asks for that one parameter necessary. After writing the window name, the line is inserted all with parenthesis, semicolon.
In that moment it's possible to press enter to go on next line or backspace to delete the semicolon if not needed.
Every time it asks for all the parameters required, and at the end function name, the comas between parameters, the parenthesis, the semicolon are written automatically.
If there is a bool parameter, the programmer haven't to write manually true or false, the editor asks for instance when it's chosen set_sound_decryption_key function for the second parameter:
"Force Key?" and two options appear in a list to be chosen: true or false.
Pressing Control+E the editor asks for a new defined-function. A list containing the items: void, int, string appears. If void, for instance, is chosen, it asks for the name. If we write "main", after the enter key in Notepad will appear automatically:
Cod: Selectaţi tot
void main()
Available Keystrokes at this moment:
- To check for updates, press: Control+Shift+U
- To insert a new User-Defined function template, press: Control+E
- To insert a Built-In function, press: Control+I
- For help, press: F1
Download A JAWS Editor for BGT
I am waiting for suggestions.